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Tarheel Market

룸메/섭리즈 | Berkshire Chapel Hill 2월 중순부터 Lease Trasfer 받으실분 구합니다

페이지 정보

작성자 uncpd 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일25-01-06 07:06 조회76회 댓글0건



2월중순부터 아파트 (2beds 2 baths) lease trasfer받으실 분 구합니다. 밑에 정보 확인후 관심있으시면
617-901-1308 혹은 hyunwook.lee31@gmail.com 연락주세요!

APT: Berkshire Chapel Hill Apartment
Address: 201 S Elliott Rd, Chapel Hill NC 27514

Lease: Mid-February 2025 – June 30th 2025, Option to renew
Rent: $1800 (originally $2130, if renewed, the price will be around $2130)

Virtual Tour (Find Unit Name, DAVIS) : https://www.berkshirechapelhill.com/floorplans

- Top Floor (Unit 701)
- Close to many stores
o 1 min walk to Wholefoods
o 5 min walk to Trader Joe’s, Aldi, Chipotle, etc
- < 1 min to Bus stop to UNC campus (D route)

More features
- Garage parking with secure gates
- 2 parking spots available
- AC
- Carbon Monoxide Detector
- Fire Extinguisher
- Fire sprinkler
- Fireplace
- Smoke Free
- Smoke/Fire Alarm Systems
- Fitness center
- Pool
- Kitchen: Fridge, dishwasher, disposal, stove
- Security System
- Video Surveillance
- Courtesy Patrol
- Cats and Dogs Allowed


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

Est. 2023. Designed by Namwoo Cho. UNC Korean Student Association is NOT an official UNC affiliate and bears no formal representation of UNC.